Marvel Team-Up #4-5 (1972)

Following on from ASM #114 we have Marvel Team-Up #4-5 as the next part of Harry’s long, loooong journey in universe 616. These two comics are written by Gerry Conway and illustrated by Gil Kane.

Harry doesn’t make much of an impact at all on these particular stories, to be honest. But this blog is dedicated to cataloguing every single one of his appearances, so…

In MTU #1, we begin with Peter dreaming of Morbius.

Morbius has been trending on Twitter today because the Madame Web movie came out and it is reportedly even worse than Morbius, the king of all bad movies. As a fan of Spider-Man I am disappointed and as a fan of bad movies I am DELIGHTED.

You might have seen that first panel on “spider-man out of context” forum threads.

Harry is concerned about Peter’s nightmares. Little does he know they’re about a Living Vampire!

Looks like we can add “old boy” to the list of Harry’s nicknames for Peter!

Peter treats Harry rather badly here, shoving him right out of the door when he attempts to offer advice.

See, Peter, things like this, they’re gonna haunt you later!

“After all, it wouldn’t do for loveable old Harry to know that his mild and retiring roommate is the Wall-Crawling Spider-Man!” says Peter, who has not been mild or retiring for a single moment of his life.

Peter heads off into the night to find Morbius via the scientist Hans Jorgenson, but Morbius kidnaps Jorgenson first. It’s reported by the Daily Bugle that Spider-Man was actually responsible for the kidnapping. Then Charles Xavier, a friend of the scientist, hears of this and sends out his X-Men…

PETER: ...Iceman? Then I'm fighting the X-Men? But why? What in the name of J. Jonah Jameson do you guys wa-

After a fight, Spider-Man falls unconscious and is taken back to the X-Mansion. There, Xavier learns that the wall-crawler has only hours to live!

As it turns out, Jean aka Marvel Girl is instrumental in retrieving Morbius and Jorgensen and thus saving Spider-Man. So Spider-Man thanks her…

…by kissing her without permission. Well, it was the 70s. (At least she doesn’t seem to mind.)

Now we zip over to MTU#5 and see if Harry has a bigger role in that one. What’s that? He doesn’t? Ah well. This one is all about our robot pal The Vision!

Vision is having seizures and Peter takes him back to his and Harry’s pad to try and help him. But he has to make sure Harry’s asleep first, of course.

Unfortunately, Harry wakes up as Peter and Vision converse.

Poor Harry! There were so many weird Peter-related incidents around this time that he must have really doubted his senses.

This is of interest to probably not that many people, but if you look at the lower middle panel above you’ll get an idea of what the famous Osborn hair is actually supposed to be. It’s curls! Small, tightly wound curls. (I like how Gil Kane draws Harry and the curls only add to it.)

And that concludes this particular glimpse into the life of Harry. Next time, we’re back at Amazing Spider-Man and the whole gang is there!

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