Is ‘Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’ borrowing its Harry Osborn plot from an unpopular cartoon?

You know what? I’m gonna say it. I’m actually surprised that Ultimate Spider-Man (the cartoon, not the comic) is so hated. Alright, season one is bad, but it did get better, it did! It also gave us an interesting take on Harry Osborn, making him Venom for a while. And I am absolutely convinced that… Read More Is ‘Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’ borrowing its Harry Osborn plot from an unpopular cartoon?

Is Harry Osborn going to die in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 (also known as Sony’s Spider-Man 2, Insomniac’s Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2 PS5, or just plain The Spider-Man Game) is TANTALIZINGLY close but we know almost nothing about the plot! However I’ve seen a lot of fans speculate that Harry Osborn will, alas, probably not make it to a Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 if there… Read More Is Harry Osborn going to die in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?