Harry Osborn in “Shadow of the Green Goblin #2”

Following on from last issue!

Now, Harry doesn’t have a lot to do in this issue and that’s totally fine, because we get some Peter-May and Peter-Flint Marko scenes that are absolutely wonderful. We also catch up with Gwen and her dying mother (I’m not sure if we’ve ever even seen Helen Stacy in the flesh before in any Spider-Man comic, dying or not) and with the Van Adder family.

Harry in fact spends most of this issue asleep. Peter retells this part of the story with lingering hatred for Norman.

Here’s Emily! Interesting that she’s defaulting to Norman’s last name instead of her maiden name, Lyman.

Emily doesn’t just want Harry back, she wants revenge on Norman just like Nels does. But for what? Well, there’s a long list to choose from.

Nels steals Harry out from under Norman while he’s on the phone to Gwen.

Harry must have been knocked unconscious sometime after that, because when he’s given to Emily, he’s seemingly asleep.

Emily’s pleased to have her son back, but also angry. I wonder what she’s specifically angry at. Of course, she must be angry that Norman has kept her son from her all these years, but what thing did he do to make her leave in the first place? Why does she want revenge?

I know it’s unlikely to ever come up again – it hasn’t been mentioned once since the convoluted Kindred storyline which you already know I hate – but I wonder if Emily somehow found out that Norman sold Harry’s soul to the devil and that’s why she wants revenge. Because what mother wouldn’t in that situation? And I really want to see SOMEONE punish Norman for that one.

One thought on “Harry Osborn in “Shadow of the Green Goblin #2”

  1. It was pretty good! I don’t know if we could see a Harry Emily bonding having in count this is before Harry and Gwen meet Peter. How I wish this had would placed after the Red Goblin thing!

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